README.TXT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA OPEN FILE 4941 This Open File consists of a manual that describes the protocols for using the Multispec© and ImageJ computer programs to measure modal mineralogy from X-Ray maps generated by an SEM. The manual additionally discusses the theory and the methodology for dealing with the problem of edge-effect pixels in rock samples and the problem of instrument drift. The manual is presented in PDF format (OF4941_Lydon.pdf). Note that the manual is in colour and is formatted for double- sided printing. Both Multispec© and ImageJ are continuously under development and are made available by the developers free of charge to the user community. It is recommended that the user download the softwares and their documentation directly from their sources on the world wide web. These web sites offer versions of the software for different platforms: Multispec© ImageJ ExpressionNT plugin for ImageJ For the convenience of the user, the Windows versions of the softwares used for the development of the protocols described here are included with this open file in the Multispec and ImageJ folders respectively, with permission of the software developers. Documentations of the softwares, as provided by the developers, are also provided with this Open File. See the Multispec_readme.txt and the ImageJ_readme.txt files for further information.