Description :
Linear glacial erosion in Mesoproterozoic sedimentary rocks (warm-based glacial landscape)
Photographe :
Tremblay, T
Collection :
Ressources naturelles Canada
Haute-résolution :
6.43 MB
3264x2448 pixels
72 ppi (jpeg)
Géographie :
6588; Fury and Hecla Strait; Nunavut; 2021-074.JPG
Description :
Regolitic bedrock exposed in glaciofluvial channel, with regolith and regolith-till mix in the background, over Archean felsic granitic gneiss rocks (cold-based glacial landscape)
Photographe :
Tremblay, T
Collection :
Ressources naturelles Canada
Haute-résolution :
12 MB
4912x2776 pixels
350 ppi (jpeg)
Géographie :
12308; Fury and Hecla Strait; Nunavut; 2021-070.JPG
Description :
Archean felsic granitic gneiss rocks outcrop, with no preferential erosion features (such as roches moutonnées) or striations (intermediate cold-based glacial landscape)
Photographe :
Tremblay, T
Collection :
Ressources naturelles Canada
Haute-résolution :
0.513 MB
1400x1051 pixels
140 ppi (jpeg)
Géographie :
514; Fury and Hecla Strait; Nunavut; 2021-071.jpg
Description :
Roches moutonnées on gabbro dyke surrounded by till and regolith mix (warm-based to intermediate cold-based glacial landscape)
Photographe :
Tremblay, T
Collection :
Ressources naturelles Canada
Haute-résolution :
14.7 MB
4912x3264 pixels
350 ppi (jpeg)
Géographie :
15054; Fury and Hecla Strait; Nunavut; 2021-072.JPG
Description :
Regolith and some regolith-till mix over Mesoproterozoic sedimentary rocks (cold-based glacial landscape)
Photographe :
Tremblay, T
Collection :
Ressources naturelles Canada
Haute-résolution :
14.1 MB
4912x3264 pixels
350 ppi (jpeg)
Géographie :
14518; Fury and Hecla Strait; Nunavut; 2021-068.jpg
Description :
Regolith and regolith-till mix over Archean felsic and mafic intrusive rocks (cold-based glacial landscape)
Photographe :
Tremblay, T
Collection :
Ressources naturelles Canada
Haute-résolution :
23.4 MB
4912x2988 pixels
350 ppi (jpeg)
Géographie :
24018; Fury and Hecla Strait; Nunavut; 2021-069.jpg